Vintage Collection
Chamak - Shine Pendant
Chamak means shine in Hindi and we feel that these radiant vintage...
Sapta Apsara - 7 Sister Goddesses
In Indian mythology, Apsaras are beautiful, supernatural female beings. They are youthful...
Mor - Peacock Pendant
The animal kingdom is not separate to the human realm in Indian...
Durga - Warrior Goddess
Goddess Durga is epitomised in mythology as being an unconditional nurturer, but...
Kundal - Tribal Coil Ring
Traditionally worn by tribal women in Rajasthan, India, these vintage rings have...
Hanuman - Loyal Protector
Hanuman is part human, part monkey and is the embodiment of loyalty...
Kansari - Fertility & Fruition
Kansari is a divine goddess who is worshipped mainly in Rajasthan, India. ...
Kavacha - Shield Protection
Kavacha means shield or armour in Hindi, a talisman is an object...
Nandana - Celestial Garden Pendant
Nandana is a garden in the celestial world (Devaloka) of Hindu mythology....
Shiva - Transformer
Shiva is one of the three most celebrated gods in India. Said...
Vishnu - Preserver
Vishnu, one if the most powerful and revered gods in India. A...